After Far, far too long, Pato Productions is back! The website is still actively being developed, but we are now at a point where we can share it while we prepare for some exciting announcements coming soon. So do watch this space for news on what our next release will be.
In the meantime, the biggest change regarding the Pato Productions website is that it’s now being made available in languages other than English, using manual translations as opposed to the not-so-reliable automated translation service used by the old site. It is currently being translated into Spanish, Portuguese, and German, with plans to add additional languages as we iron out the system being put into place. Some of the most rewarding feedback received after the release of The Great Cheese Robbery was that from non-English speakers who appreciated how easily the game could be translated. It became clear that as the new site was being designed, it was only right to extend that effort to the website, and of course to any future releases. So greetings to anyone who may be reading this in a language other than English!